Monday, March 15, 2010

Fallen robin

In graduate school, pretty full on schoolwork that seems to have no end. Writing a lit review (I should really start on it...), paper due in Ichthyology, test tomorrow, presentation in Evolution, lab to write up for Seminar, plus teaching, grading, and prepping. AND research.

Moved in with husband, he helps a lot around the house.

Nearly four months pregnant with a son. He's quit making me nauseated, so we get along much better now. I never knew how amazing a woman's body could be until I started making headway on this person-growing business. My breasts are much bigger, my stomach is poking out, my body demands much more water and nearly as much food, and I have a video of a little alien bobbing around in my stomach sucking his thumb thanks to a badass sonographer. They say he'll come in early September. I give it more of a range- September 1st-20th. Somewhere in there.