Monday, August 17, 2009


I was reading another friend's blog, and it occurred to me, as it has occurred to me before, how I feel I've known people in past lives. Everytime I see this friend, my brain doesn't recognize my acquaintance. It recognizes him just as much as my current blood brothers. My brain sends signals to my body that recognize: "sibling!" (I can't tell very well whether brother or sister) So I thought I'd write about my past friends and family, how I see it now. Maybe, as it all develops, I'll get a clearer picture and some of this will be a little off when I look back. But it's getting there. Slowly, the picture is developing.

I had a mother-figure, though I think she was really my older sister. Our mother was so busy that she pretty much raised me. In the past, she was crone-like, even at a young age. Not that she looked old, she was just very full of wisdom. She had to work really hard all the time, but had more time to be with me than our mother. She was very strong in personality, but gentle. She tried to teach me things I wasn't ready to learn. We lived in a very rural area, a village maybe, but everyone was very close and we had many friends.

In this time, she is a friend of mine who is ten years older than I. We met at a festival, and didn't talk too terribly much for the first year or so (in which we saw each other two or three times). Then, finally, one day I stopped to talk with her and she said "I feel a very strong connection to you" (which is what I had been thinking since I met her). She is still teaching me things, but I'm more ready to learn them in this life, though the lessons are sinking in just slowly, like a percolator. I'm more eager to learn, though, too. That helps. She is like my mother, sister, and my friend, and I realized why about a year ago. She's my older sister.

I had a twin. Either a twin or a VERY close sibling. I feel like we were twin sisters, maybe. That soul was much older than mine, though, and she could learn what our sister taught much easier than I. We loved each other so dearly, and we had an intimate psychic connection. But she left for some reason and I was heartbroken. I don't remember where she went, but her soul got more and more refined from the journey.

In this life she is a he. I felt great anticipation about meeting him; it was a reunion. I wanted to cry when I saw him for the first time on a stage. I wanted to touch touch touch him. Not sexually, not romantically, I had just missed his soul so much and needed to be around it. I kissed him fervently, he was my sister but brother now, and his soul had grown more beautiful and he won't need to be here for too many more lifetimes once he gets through frustration. I felt so connected to him that it was scary. I often felt connected to him when he was far away, maybe he didn't feel it. Who knows? But I got a very strong flash of our previous connection just weeks ago. It was a Friday, and I was supposed to go visit him and some other souls on Sunday. Friday morning, all was well, I was still planning to leave Sunday, but sometime that afternoon my brows suddenly furrowed and my stomach churned. My eyes closed a little. I was in my kitchen. Something bad was happening. I needed to go. Sure enough, it was time to go.

I'll write more later. But those are my siblings.

1 comment:

  1. It's all connected.

    We can't always explain how, but deep down everybody knows it.
