Monday, April 5, 2010


Thank goodness, Spring is here! I feel like I can come out of hibernation!

We are settled into our apartment (with the exception of the curtains I am going to make this weekend) and have established some semblance of a routine. I now know why Stewart always seemed to be late for work- having to get yourself and a kid ready really takes a while! It's been a lot better having two of us there to work with Eli. Like I said, I've still got curtains to put up and plants to put out, but other than that, we're pretty settled in.

We've been going a lot (here, there, everywhere), and I hope the summer will mean we get to go a little less. I am purposing to not take on many projects for the summer, though it already seems like I'll be busy with my Research Assistantship, thesis research, homebirth classes, and the end of my doula certification. :\

I hit 18 weeks yesterday in my pregnancy. I am definitely feeling River bounce around in there, and I am seriously showing! We've been really lucky to get lots of help from my family with things like a carseat, stroller, bouncer, etc., and my cousin Clarissa says she's going to throw me a baby shower in July. Yeesh! I was handed a big stack of brand new baby clothes just yesterday by my cousin Katherine. Part of my summer projects will include making things River needs- slings, nursing pads (okay, those are for me), some cloth diapers and wipes (though I think his dad is mostly going disposable; I told him I am sticking with cloth for my diaper changes!), blankets, little hats, etc. We'll be going for another ultrasound here in a couple of weeks just for fun, and I'm excited to see how he's grown in the past few months. I'm also going to be seeing a chiropractor in the next few weeks- the lower back pressure/pain is starting to set in. Everyone tells me it only gets worse. Duh. I know.

I watched Orgasmic Birth with Stewart last weekend, and if you haven't seen it, you need to watch it. Seriously. Even if you're not pregnant. Another big one is The Business of Being Born; that movie made me decide not to go to medical school. Srsly.

I've only got three weeks of school left. I can't believe how this semester has flown, but that's fine with me. This is what I've got left to do this school year:

1. Ichthyology test (next Tuesday).
2. Ichthyology paper and presentation.
3. Grad seminar class experiment (due April 12th, my partner and I lead the class in experiments we'll be setting up this week).
4. Grad seminar final report.
5. Evolution final presentation.

The problem is finding the time to do all that stuff between classes and lab prep. :\ All this will probably have to be done the last week in April. We'll see.

I am freakin' ready for the summer. I think. I hope it's not too busy. I'm starting to hate being busy.

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